From:             [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Operating system: Sun OS 5.7
PHP version:      4.0.3pl1
PHP Bug Type:     Feature/Change Request
Bug description:  Parsing problem with nested ? : structures

The following statement does not execute correctly:

             $departmeals = $dHour < 10.5 ? $dHour < 6.0 ? "3" : "2"  :
               $dHour < 18.0 ? "1" : "0";

No error message--it just returns the wrong result.  It does execute correctly if 
parentheses are added:

             $departmeals = $dHour < 10.5 ? ($dHour < 6.0 ? "3" : "2") :
               ($dHour < 18.0 ? "1" : "0");

The original is not ambiguous; it should parse and execute correctly.

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