ID: 9365
Updated by: andi
Old-Status: Open
Status: Closed
Bug Type: Scripting Engine problem
PHP Version: 4.0.4pl1
Assigned To: 

Also reported as fixed.

Previous Comments:

[2001-03-10 05:45:43] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
At first I should correct that included file that causes this problem is only one file 
and returning reference from the functions does not make difference. (Script was not 
uploaded to server. I tested again, the file causes this problem only happens when the 
file is included, and reference does not make changes)

I've tested with 4.0.4pl1 and 4.0.5-dev (200103092045)
 - RedHat Linux7/j (glibc is updated to 2.2, gcc also updated - Redhat's RPM)
 - Apache 1.3.17 w/ mod-ssl, mod-gzip and other apache modules comes with apache. 
(Tested both w/ and w/o ssl)

For 4.0.5-dev, I only add PostgreSQL module.
'./configure' '--with-apxs' '--disable-short-tags' '--with-pgsql'

Results are the same.

I also included the file that causes this from other script. The file is included w/o 
any problems.

I tried to make a simple script that reproduce this problem again, but I could not.

Since I can easily workaround with this problem and I've seen this only once so far, 
I'll leave this problem.
(If I don't use function, the code works as expected)

If you have similar bug report and need more info, please let me know.

PS: Someone post similar problem regarding ob_ob_get_contents(). I asked what kind of 
environment he uses. I'll post report, if I can find out anything.


[2001-03-09 23:34:55] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I forgot comment that it does not happen with simple scripts that have the same logic. 
So trying to make a script that causes this problem is just a waste of your time.

I'll test some more, so please wait feedback.


[2001-03-09 23:14:11] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
It seems it is related to reference.

The registration is done in a function and if there are error the function returns 
array contains error messages. It can be relatively large, so I returned reference. I 
get rid of the reference, then it start working as it should.

function &register() <= script executed from the beginning.
function register() <= works as it should.

Hope this info helps.


[2001-03-09 23:03:45] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I tested with 

Newer Japanese Charset Handling module.
=> the same result.

Without these modules
=> the same result.

I was compiled in these Japanese char handling modules in php. I didn't compile these 
modules in php, but I compile these modules as individual *.so file. The same result.

If I use plain ASCII HTML file for include(). It works. But not with HTML contains 
I'll upgrade my glibc see if it fixes. (Please wait for feedback)

Code that causes this. I've tested with require()/include_once()/require_once(), the 
same result.
Reminder - Include()/require() works fine except on this file.

// Show Registration complete html
//die('DIED BEFORE INCLUDE'); // Dies as it should
//header('Location: http://www/'); // Just for testing
//include('regist_finished.ihtml'); // HTML file contains EUC. Script executed again 
from the beginning!! Can't even die at the beginning of the file.
//include('test3.php'); // ASCII char only. Works as expected.
include('cancel.ihtml'); // Another HTML file contains EUC. Script executed again from 
the beginning!! Can't even die at the beginning of the file.
die('DIED AFTER INCLUDE'); // DO NOT DIE, as it should.


[2001-03-09 22:52:46] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I tested with 

Newer Japanese Charset Handling module.
=> the same result.

Without these modules
=> the same result.

I was compiled in these Japanese char handling modules in php. I didn't compile these 
modules in php, but I compile these modules as individual *.so file. The same result.

If I use plain ASCII HTML file for include(). It works. But not with HTML contains 
I'll upgrade my glibc see if it fixes. (Please wait for feedback)

Code that causes this. I've tested with require()/include_once()/require_once(), the 
same result.
Reminder - Include()/require() works fine except on this file.

// Show Registration complete html
//die('DIED BEFORE INCLUDE'); // Dies as it should
//header('Location: http://www/'); // Just for testing
//include('regist_finished.ihtml'); // HTML file contains EUC. Script executed again 
from the beginning!! Can't even die at the beginning of the file.
//include('test3.php'); // ASCII char only. Works as expected.
include('cancel.ihtml'); // Another HTML file contains EUC. Script executed again from 
the beginning!! Can't even die at the beginning of the file.
die('DIED AFTER INCLUDE'); // DO NOT DIE, as it should.


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