From:             [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Operating system: Linux 2.4
PHP version:      4.0.4pl1
PHP Bug Type:     Reproduceable crash
Bug description:  PHP Crashes when it opens complicated pages

PHP just crashes when it opens particularly complicated 
pages. When I'm hacking at a page, it I add another loop, 
or insert a few more lines of code in somewhere, it'll 
just crash.

This bug is _not_ caused by the invocation of any one 
function, the use of any one particular syntax element or 
feature. It is caused by excessively complicated pages. 
Therefore, it's probably some memory-related bug in php's 
internals. Apache logs report that the server dies with 
SIGSEGV. The only way I think you'll work out what this is 
is by looking at a core file, or if I send you a suspect 
file. I can't seem to get php to dump one (tried httpd -X 
in /tmp, but it doesn't work). Any ideas? I submitted this 
bug before, but I was told the CVS version had it fixed. 
I've used a CVS snapshot, and that didn't fix it.

Thanks in advance,

Charlie Dyson - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

( By the way, PHP is the best web-related tool I have ever 
come across and it's made web-development a lot easier for 
everyone. Thanks. )

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