ID: 10565
Updated by: cynic
Status: Open
Bug Type: MySQL related
PHP Version: 4.0.4pl1
Assigned To: 

mailed MySQL

Previous Comments:

[2001-04-30 16:57:34] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
** This is a problem in MySql.  This report provides a code
modification to compensate for the MySql problem. **

Under SCO OpenServer 5.0.6, Apache 1.3.19, PHP 4.0.4 PL 1,
and MySql 3.23.36 (precompiled MySQL for OpenServer 5.0.x),
calls to mysql_real_connect will silently dump core if
mysql_init was not allowed to *allocate* the memory for the
MySQL structure.

To function properly, mysql_init must be passed NULL, thus
allowing it to allocate and manage the memory.  If you use
a previously malloc()'ed or static structure, MySQL will 
dump core on connect.

We find this problem to be present in MySQL, and can 
duplicate it using a C code stub.  The problem, of course,
also exists in PHP, causing a core dump there as well,
since PHP pre-malloc()'s its own structure.

Here is a DIFF for ext/mysql/php_mysql.c which fixes the
problem for us.  It's ugly, and hack-y, but it works.  FYI.

<       efree(link);
>       /* efree(link); */
<               mysql = (MYSQL *) malloc(sizeof(MYSQL));
>               /* mysql = (MYSQL *) malloc(sizeof(MYSQL)); */
<               mysql_init(mysql);
>               mysql = mysql_init(NULL);
<               mysql = (MYSQL *) emalloc(sizeof(MYSQL));
>               /* mysql = (MYSQL *) emalloc(sizeof(MYSQL)); */
<               mysql_init(mysql);
>               mysql = mysql_init(NULL);


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