From:             [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Operating system: SuSE 7.0 i386
PHP version:      4.0 Latest CVS (2001-05-12)
PHP Bug Type:     *Session related
Bug description:  memory overruns in php_rshutdown_session_globals

I'm really puzzled by this one; at first I thought it was a bug in my extension, but 
after running apache under gdb I found the problem in the sessions module.

It's hard to describe and I can't reproduce it with a simple script :-(

During the call to php_rshutdown_session_globals, zend reports a memory overrun while 
calling zend_hash_destroy(&PS(vars));

Sometimes it's a little overrun, but other times it's enough to segfault.

I'm using a user level session handler which works against mysql.  I tried switching 
to mm but I get a segfault every time when using mm :-(

I believe this is the cause of the random "loss" of a session variable that I 
mentioned last week on php-dev.

I have no idea what's causing it; if there is anything I can provide to help, let me 

My configure line is:

"./configure" \
"--with-apxs" \
"--disable-pear" \
"--enable-debug" \
"--enable-sigchild" \
"--enable-calendar" \
"--enable-ftp" \
"--with-ldap" \
"--with-mysql=/usr" \
"--enable-shmop" \
"--enable-sysvsem" \
"--enable-sysvshm" \
"--with-zlib" \
"--enable-inline-optimization" \
"--with-iconv" \
"--with-bz2" \
"--with-openssl" \
"--enable-bcmath" \
"--enable-ctype" \
"--with-imap" \
"--with-pspell" \
"--enable-yp" \
"--with-jpeg-dir" \
"--with-png-dir" \
"--with-freetype-dir" \
"--with-gd" \
"--with-mhash" \
"--enable-mailparse" \
"--enable-mbstring" \
"--with-cybercash=/usr/local/mck-" \
"--with-savi=/home/CLIENTWEB/sophosantivirus/sav_if" \
"--enable-php-streams" \
"--enable-mbregex" \
"--enable-memory-usage-info" \

(The non-standard extensions are not being used in the scripts with problems).

I've removed mm support from my build because it didn't help at all.


Edit Bug report at:

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