From:             [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Operating system: progeny linux 1.0 Kernel 2.4.0
PHP version:      4.0 Latest CVS (2001-05-15)
PHP Bug Type:     
Bug description:  unknown segfaults

Using today's PHP and IMP/Horde CVS with Progeny Linux 1.0
under kernel 2.4.0.


./configure --with-apxs=/www/bin/apxs --with-openssl=/usr
--with-db2=/usr --with-imap=../ --with-ldap=/usr
--with-mysql=/usr --with-mm=/usr --with-zlib=/usr
--with-gnu-ld --with-gettext=/usr --enable-ftp
--with-mcal=/usr/local --with-mcrypt=/usr/local

When I try to login to IMP, I get a segfault. From apache's
error log:

[Tue May 15 10:50:00 2001] [notice] child pid 17105 exit
signal Segmentation fault (11)

backtrace #1

#0  0x406930ee in gost_LTX__mcrypt_decrypt (key=0x0,
    at gost.c:276
#1  0x401fd9f0 in ecb_LTX__mdecrypt (ign=0x0,
ciphertext=0x81957a4, len=8, 
    blocksize=8, akey=0x0, func=0x40692da4
    func2=0x406930b0 <gost_LTX__mcrypt_decrypt>) at ecb.c:72
#2  0x4058dc36 in mdecrypt (td=0x81d3148, buf=0x0,
a=0x81957a4, b=8)
    at mcrypt_modules.c:387
#3  0x4058d161 in mdecrypt_generic (td=0x81d3148,
ciphertext=0x81957a4, len=8)
    at mcrypt.c:160
#4  0x4039e6af in php_if_mdecrypt_generic (ht=2,
    this_ptr=0x0, return_value_used=1) at mcrypt.c:559
#5  0x4034d6f9 in execute (op_array=0x817d00c) at
#6  0x4034d94c in execute (op_array=0x817b6ec) at
#7  0x4034d94c in execute (op_array=0x81466b4) at
#8  0x4035befe in zend_execute_scripts (type=8,
file_count=3) at zend.c:748
#9  0x4036dc74 in php_execute_script
(primary_file=0xbffff800) at main.c:1206
#10 0x4036a31f in apache_php_module_main (r=0x812ff24,
    at sapi_apache.c:89
#11 0x4036acf3 in send_php (r=0x812ff24,
display_source_mode=0, filename=0x0)
    at mod_php4.c:535
#12 0x4036ad32 in send_parsed_php (r=0x812ff24) at
#13 0x8055389 in ap_invoke_handler ()
#14 0x806a1df in process_request_internal ()
#15 0x806a246 in ap_process_request ()
#16 0x80610a6 in child_main ()
#17 0x8061281 in make_child ()
#18 0x80613fc in startup_children ()
#19 0x8061a6c in standalone_main ()
#20 0x80622bc in main ()
#21 0x4008fdcc in __libc_start_main () from /lib/

backtrace #2 after a re-compile of mcrypt
#0  0x406080ee in gost_LTX__mcrypt_decrypt (key=0x0,
    at gost.c:276
#1  0x401fd9f0 in ecb_LTX__mdecrypt (ign=0x0,
ciphertext=0x823ae14, len=8, 
    blocksize=8, akey=0x0, func=0x40607da4
    func2=0x406080b0 <gost_LTX__mcrypt_decrypt>) at ecb.c:72
#2  0x405a2c36 in mdecrypt (td=0x821f668, buf=0x0,
a=0x823ae14, b=8)
    at mcrypt_modules.c:387
#3  0x405a2161 in mdecrypt_generic (td=0x821f668,
ciphertext=0x823ae14, len=8)
    at mcrypt.c:160
#4  0x403ba2b8 in php_if_mdecrypt_generic (ht=2,
    this_ptr=0x0, return_value_used=1) at mcrypt.c:559
#5  0x40352667 in execute (op_array=0x8175204) at
#6  0x4035288f in execute (op_array=0x81847ac) at
#7  0x4035288f in execute (op_array=0x814a56c) at
#8  0x40363d00 in zend_execute_scripts (type=8,
file_count=3) at zend.c:748
#9  0x4037c173 in php_execute_script
(primary_file=0xbffff800) at main.c:1206
#10 0x403776be in apache_php_module_main (r=0x8131bbc,
    at sapi_apache.c:89
#11 0x4037842a in send_php (r=0x8131bbc, display_source_mode=0, 
    filename=0x81337bc "/www/htdocs/horde/imp/redirect.php")
at mod_php4.c:535
#12 0x4037846f in send_parsed_php (r=0x8131bbc) at
#13 0x8055389 in ap_invoke_handler ()
#14 0x806a1df in process_request_internal ()
#15 0x806a246 in ap_process_request ()
#16 0x80610a6 in child_main ()
#17 0x8061281 in make_child ()
#18 0x80613fc in startup_children ()
#19 0x8061a6c in standalone_main ()
#20 0x80622bc in main ()

this is the same machine that was having trouble with
gpc_magic_quotes in 10591.  Do I have some compiler or libc
funkiness going on?

Edit Bug report at:

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