ID: 11493
Updated by: sniper
Old-Status: Open
Status: Feedback
Bug Type: Scripting Engine problem
Operating system: 
PHP Version: 4.0.5
Assigned To: 

Please include a short example script that can be used
to reproduce this. What is in the file that is auto_prepend_file ?? 

Previous Comments:

[2001-06-15 13:40:32] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I'm sorry, but I unfortunately don't know what you mean by that?  Do you want my 
php.ini file?  I'd try and let you see the page I'm attempting to do this on, but it's 
located on one of the server's in my company's intranet section.  I'll explain what 
I'm doing for now, and maybe that will help.

I edit my php.ini file in /usr/local/lib and change the include_path variable, then 
save those changes.  Then I stop my webserver and restart it 
(/usr/local/apache/bin/apachectl stop/start).  The changes in the error msg are 
reflected immediately at this point when I try to view the webpage.  And again, this 
works fine if I try to view a webpage located in the htdocs directory, but any file 
located in a subdirectory of htdocs produces this error.


[2001-06-15 11:43:20] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I just tried this, and it works for me just fine.
You don't need every single directory in include_path..
That was bullshit. I should have tested it immediately.

Can you add short script into this report that reproduces this?


[2001-06-15 08:55:39] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Okay, I changed my include_path appropriately, and here is the new message I saw:

Warning: Failed opening '/usr/local/apache/htdocs/chat/httpd/index.html' for inclusion 
 in Unknown on line 0

I included every single directory possible within htdocs, chat, and httpd.  Chat being 
the only folder under htdocs, and httpd being the only one under chat.  As you can 
see, it is still having issues with the include path.  Any ideas on this?


[2001-06-14 17:11:00] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
You need to add every directory into the include_path.
This is how it works. Maybe it will be changed sometime.
But not in near future.


[2001-06-14 15:42:55] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I am having problems with my include_path and auto_prepend_file in my php.ini file.  I 
configured PHP with the follow flags:

In my php.ini file, I have the two options set in this manner:

include_path = ".:/usr/local/apache/htdocs"

Now, if I view a webpage that sits in /usr/local/apache/htdocs, it opens just fine.  
It can find all the files to include and I have no issues.  But once I try to view a 
file that is located in a subdirectory of htdocs, for example, 
htdocs/chat/Install.html, I am given the following error through my browser:

Warning: Failed opening '/usr/local/apache/htdocs/chat/Install.html' for inclusion 
(include_path='.:/usr/local/apache/htdocs') in Unknown on line 0

It seems to me that it is having trouble finding any file located in a subdir of 
'htdocs'.  Is this a bug of PHP4.0.5?

I've tried experimenting to include the path of a few test subdirs with files in them 
into the include_path, but I still have the same error.  I'm not sure exactly what's 
going on here.


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comments, please view the bug report online.

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