
I've decided to write an extension to interface to id3lib
(http://id3lib.sf.net/).  I've created my new extension (using ext_skel) and
I understand what's going on in the stub that it creates.  I've even
modified the config.m4 file to detect whether id3lib is installed properly.

id3lib is a C++ library.  I would like to create PHP objects to directly
interface to the C++ classes within the library.  I found the PHP docs about
developing extensions to be very sparse, and directed mainly for PHP 3.  Is
there anywhere which has proper docs dealing with PHP 4?  I've found the API
docs at Zend, but there doesn't seem to be a way of downloading them (this
is a requirement for me).

This library being C++, does its own memory allocation.  Should I worry and
try to write operator new() and operator delete() replacements and
static-link the library, or just not bother and use the library as is?

Another thing is garbage collection.  How can I get PHP to tell me to free
the memory dealing with my objects when they get cleaned up?  Do I need to
record all allocations and free things in my PHP_RSHUTDOWN function?

Not only is this my first PHP extension, but it is also my first proper
Linux project.  I've been programming C/C++ on Mac for a good few years, and
programming PHP for over a year now.  I know roughly how the build process
works, but I'm sure there are more things I should know.  Does anyone have
suggestions on books to buy that would cover programming non-GUI programs
and libraries, and the build process (building configure scripts and


Chris Boot

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