The script I showed you worked fine on my machine
(RH LInux 7)  Can anybody else verify this?

On Tue, 24 Jul 2001, voudras wrote:
> This doesn't seem to work still.. my example is in the same location and
> has the changes shown below, and then some. Am i a complete retard or
> what?
> Bug Database wrote:
> > 
> > ID: 12324
> > Updated by: andy
> > Reported By: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Old Status: Open
> > Status: Bogus
> > Bug Type: *Configuration Issues
> > Operating System: linux
> > PHP Version: 4.0.6
> > New Comment:
> > 
> > you have your params mixed up.  replace arg_separator.output
> > with arg_separator.input and things will work.  I modified
> > your script below.  This one works as you wanted it to.
> > 
> > <?php
> > $PHP_SELF;
> > 
> > ini_set("arg_separator.input", ";");
> > define("a", ini_get("arg_separator.input"));
> > 
> > if($HTTP_GET_VARS){
> > $total = count($HTTP_GET_VARS);
> > echo "Displaying GET variables";
> > while(list($key, $val) = each($HTTP_GET_VARS)) {
> > echo "<br />Key: '$key'   Value '$val'";
> > }
> > }
> > 
> > echo "<hr>";
> > echo "<A HREF=\"$PHP_SELF?i=am".a."do=one\">Click to
> > activate test</a>";
> > echo "<hr>";
> > 
> > ?>
> > 
> > Previous Comments:
> > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> > 
> > [2001-07-23 20:22:46] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > 
> > I've tested this problem on both php4.0.5 and 4.0.6, and it has also reproduced on 
>other machines. I will not however, that this problem does not seem to occur on 
>windows/apache machines.
> > 
> > the problem is that get vars using an arg_separator.output other than '&' will be 
>ignored when attempting to parse HTTP_GET_VARS.
> > 
> > there is an example avaliable at
> >
> > the source is visible at
> >
> > 
> > a side note - it would seem that the transparent session info appended to a url by 
>php will also not follow a new 'arg_separator.output' value.. for example - if i set 
>the arg_separator.output to ';'..  my PHPSESSID will still be appended to the url 
>with a '&'
> > 
> > -voudras
> > 
> > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> > 
> > ATTENTION! Do NOT reply to this email!
> > To reply, use the web interface found at
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