Try the following:
$sql="select * from table_name where row_name like '%searchstring%'";
<- this differes in the quotes - sometimes it makes a difference - also it
shouldnot in case of MySQL

by the way your example cannot work because you should end the line wit
<-notice the second double quote!

"Peter-H Hoffmann" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> From:             [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Operating system: Windows NT4.0
> PHP version:      4.0.6
> PHP Bug Type:     MySQL related
> Bug description:  Select statement
> I don't know if it is really a bug, but something is going on.
> If I make a mysql select statement:
> mysql> select * from table_name where row_name like "%searchstring%";
> then it shows the correct result!
> the same within php:
> $sql="select * from table_name where row_name like \"%searchstring%\";
> $result=mysql_query($sql);
> then it shows an incorrect result!
> Another hint for you:
> I use the Xitami Webserver Version 2.5b4, it doesn't work with the <FORM
> ACTION="program.php" METHOD="POST">.
> I change to Version 2.5b5 now it works great!
> --
> Edit bug report at:

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