Cynic wrote:
> >> >
> >> >1) array_pop() bug:
> >> ><?php
> >> >$a = array();
> >> >$a[] = array('foo', 'bar');
> >> >print_r($a);
> >> >$a[] = array('foo2', 'bar2');
> >> >print_r($a);
> >> >$a = array_pop($a);
> >> >print_r($a);
> >> >?>
> so, you're questioning the order of the retval assignment, and the
> popped array?
> >> >$a = array_pop($a);
> >> >print_r($a);
> change that $b = array_pop($a);
> print_r($b);
> and I think you'll see what you expected to see.

Oh, I was really idiot on that, $a is assigned by reference. Sorry, too
much strings :)

Tomas V.V.Cox

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