From:             [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Operating system: All
PHP version:      4.0.6
PHP Bug Type:     Feature/Change Request
Bug description:  Utterly Global Variables - What Zeev was talkin about

"The new variables are auto-globals - they're available in all function
contexts" - Zeev

How hard would it be to allow a construct so that a developer could
indicate that one or more variables was available in all scope.

I have a big "Enviroment" class that does everything from data processing,
security, access control, page rendering, etc, etc, etc.  Its a huge pain
to pass around a handle to my "$Env" variable all the time.  If the access
control list needs to check something about the user, or the page needs to
know which template it should be rendering, I need to traverse my heirarchy
via this handle.  I'm tired of having references to it stored everywhere

Any chance of getting this?
Edit bug report at:

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