From:             [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Operating system: Solaris 7
PHP version:      4.0.6
PHP Bug Type:     PostgreSQL related
Bug description:  Bad subdirs assumed in configure and in make

reproduceable - probably an easy fix

during ./configure and later (after I thought I fixed things) in the make,
the php install kept having trouble finding my install.  postgresql was
installed --prefix=/usr/local/pgsql/7.1.2/, and that path was supplied to
the program ($i).  However, it looked like that it assumed that libraries
and such were not immediately in that path.  For example, it looks in
$i/lib/pgsql and $i/lib/postgresql, where my path was (I though
predictable) $i/lib.  I did a "ln -s /usr/local/pgsql/7.1.2/lib
/usr/local/lib/pgsql" and other but that didn't work.  I mucked around with
the (impressive) config files adding paths and that only gave limited
progress.  I eventually did "ln -s . pgsql" in lib and other relevant
places and got much further.
   Then, in make, failure again, as the header file couldn't find the
include.  I added a hard path to the build/ (I believe the
variable was DEFS).
   I hope this helps.  Personal note, I hopped on IRC (efnet) to try and
get some advice.  Even though I asked an informed and intelligent (IMHO)
question, I still got the condesending knee-jerk responses.  I have now
been conditioned to a) never ever hope for any help from irc (especially
the ef) and b) never research an issue fully before asking a question.  If
you've done your research, you've spent TONS of times getting caught up,
just to find out you know more than who you're asking for help.  However
[James] was friendly and helpful, more so than anyone.  He deserves a free
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