So where does this leave us now ?

Altough your couldn't complain about duplicate
functions it also registered only once.

When then do other extension obiously seem to register twice
(refering to the duplicate error function name) ?

- Markus

On Wed, Aug 15, 2001 at 06:01:57PM -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote : 
> On Wed, 15 Aug 2001, Andrei Zmievski wrote:
> > At 02:53 AM 8/16/01 +0200, Markus Fischer wrote:
> > >I tested with php_opengl.dll under windows ... Rasmus was right,
> > >zillions of duplicate blabla errors. But under Linux with
> > >php-gtk, as Andrei said, nothing.
> > >
> > >Special Case ?
> >
> > Maybe because doesn't register any functions, only classes?
> Ah, yes.  Looks like the case.  Running this script on my laptop:
> <?
>       dl('');
>       dl('');
>       print_r(get_loaded_extensions());
> ?>
> Produces:
> Array (
>       [0] => xml
>       [1] => wddx
>       [2] => swf
>       [3] => standard
>       [4] => sockets
>       [5] => snmp
>       [6] => session
>       [7] => sablot
>       [8] => posix
>       [9] => pgsql
>       [10] => pdf
>       [11] => pcre
>       [12] => openssl
>       [13] => mysql
>       [14] => ldap
>       [15] => imlib
>       [16] => gd
>       [17] => exif
>       [18] => dba
>       [19] => zlib
>       [20] => ming
>       [21] => xmms
>       [22] => smarty
>       [23] => apache
> )
> So, no warnings, and smarty only shows up once.
> -Rasmus

Markus Fischer,
EMail:         [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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              -All your scripts are belong to Zend-

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