ID: 11679
Updated by: sniper
Old Status: Open
Status: Feedback
Bug Type: Reproducible crash
Operating System: Yellow Dog Linux 2.0 - 2.2.19 PP
PHP Version: 4.0.6
New Comment:

Could you please try configuring with the minimum amount
of options? And then if it works, try adding them
one by one to see which one is the cause for this.


Previous Comments:

[2001-07-02 11:54:43] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I am not loading any of the shared libraries. Which ones do you see that are not 
supposed to be shared? I have tried building it again without anything shared and I 
get the same results.


[2001-06-27 13:49:42] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

You are using a lot configure options that can't be 'shared'. Also, try disabling the 
loaded extensions one by one in php.ini to find out with which is happens on.


[2001-06-26 09:58:52] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Here is my config line: 

./configure --with-apxs=/usr/sbin/apxs \
                --enable-pic \
                --enable-shared \
                --enable-inline-optimization \
                --with-ldap=/usr \
                --with-openssl=/usr \
                --with-pgsql=/usr/local \
                --with-mysql=/usr \
                --with-imap=/usr \
                --with-xml \
                --with-aspell=/usr \
                --with-gd=shared \
                --enable-gd-native-ttf \
                --with-png=shared \
                --with-png-dir=/usr \
                --with-jpeg=shared \
                --with-jpeg-dir=/usr \
                --with-freetype=shared \
                --with-freetype-dir=/usr \
                --with-zlib=shared \
                --with-zlib-dir=/usr \
                --with-pdflib=shared \
                --with-readline \
                --enable-ftp=shared \
                --with-mcrypt=shared \
                --with-mhash=shared \
                --with-bz2=shared \
                --with-db2=shared \
                --with-db3=shared \
                --with-kerberos=shared \
                --with-regex=system \
                --enable-track-vars \
                --enable-magic-quotes \
                --enable-debug \
                --with-gdbm \
                --enable-debugger \
                --enable-sockets \
                --enable-sysvsem \
                --enable-sysvshm \
                --enable-yp \
                --enable-force-cgi-redirect \


[2001-06-26 04:26:06] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

What is your configure line?


[2001-06-25 21:02:22] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I get the following that I am unable to track down in my 
PHP compiling. If you can recomend any steps to help 
diagnoze this I woudl be glad to follow up. 

root@host:(/home/user/php-4.0.6)$ /sbin/service httpd 
Shutting down http:                               [  OK  ]
Starting httpd: Syntax error on line 251 of 
Cannot load /etc/httpd/modules/ into server: 
/etc/httpd/modules/ undefined symbol: unixdriver

Here is the gdb backtrace:

(gdb) run -X
Starting program: /usr/sbin/httpd -X
Cannot access memory at address 0xe2cb3d4
(gdb) bt
#0  _dl_debug_state () at dl-debug.c:56
#1  0xfe4c31c in _dl_close (_map=0x1007cf18) at 
#2  0xfe4bc4c in _dl_open (file=0x10078d90 
    mode=-2147483390, caller=0x0) at dl-open.c:407
#3  0xfe8d410 in dlopen_doit (a=0x7fffd7e8) at dlopen.c:39
#4  0x3000dcfc in _dl_catch_error (objname=0xfe9e380, 
    operate=0xfe8d3b8 <dlopen_doit>, args=0x7fffd7e8) at 
#5  0xfe8d910 in _dlerror_run (operate=0xfe8d3b8 
    args=0x7fffd7e8) at dlerror.c:130
#6  0xfe8d46c in __dlopen_check (file=0xfe6be60 "", 
    at dlopen.c:53
#7  0x10028f18 in ap_os_dso_load ()
#8  0x100078a8 in ap_get_server_built ()
#9  0x1000d888 in ap_clear_module_list ()
#10 0x1000e1e8 in ap_handle_command ()
#11 0x1000e258 in ap_srm_command_loop ()
#12 0x1000e89c in ap_process_resource_config ()
#13 0x1000f218 in ap_read_config ()
#14 0x1001a038 in main ()
#15 0xfd700f8 in __libc_start_main (argc=2, 
    ubp_ev=0x100810f0, auxvec=0x7ffffac4, 
rtld_fini=0xfe6be60 <main_arena>,
    stinfo=0x100443b0, stack_on_entry=0x3000e578)
    at ../sysdeps/powerpc/elf/libc-start.c:119

Thank you for your time and I look forward to your 


Edit this bug report at

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