From:             [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Operating system: Solaris 2.6
PHP version:      4.0.6
PHP Bug Type:     iPlanet related
Bug description:  pclose() failed. (2: unknown early startup error)

When I start the web server, I have a "[https-tr.terra]: pclose() failed.
(2: unknown early startup error)" message

I installed php 4.0.6 with Oracle 8.1.7 support and Netscape Enterprise

First, I had more error messages, So I added the path for LD_LIBRARY_PATH
in the start file, and I also added Oracle lib path in the start file.

Now I just have the pclose() failed message, and no other error message.
The Web Server just won't start.

I change the obj.conf and myme.types as documentation say.

Any idea ?

Finally i down the version to php-4.0.4pl1 and don't have any problem. 

With php4.0.6 the size is major what the php4.04pl1.

Edit bug report at:

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