From:             [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Operating system: FreeBSD 4.3
PHP version:      4.0.6
PHP Bug Type:     HTTP related
Bug description:  setcookie would not work when expire is set

I pretty much get the same error as this link

Over a couple hundreds of users, all of them works fine with IE 5.0+ 
However, some of the user can not login due to the cookie is not set.

Whenever I do


Some of the users using IE would not get the cookie.

But when i just change it to 


It works.  But not setting expire time will not write the cookie to
harddisk, it just stored into memory, which is not what I want.

So, I tried to use the header function and see if that helps.

$time = mktime()+ $config[cookieTTL]; 
$date = gmdate("l, d-M-Y H:i:s", ($time)); 
header("Set-Cookie: $cookiename=$tmpstring; expires=$date GMT; path=/;");

IE still do not pick up the cookie.

Here is a little function I use to store cookie

function putCookie($config,$cookiename, $varname, $data, $send="") { 

// function to store cookie, use serialize() to bypass the limit of using
20 cookies per domain. 
// And make it easier to add new cookie later.

        //keep this array always static so that when we get out of this function,
it still keep the variable.
        static $tmpArray; 
        $tmpArray[$varname] = $data;
        if ($send != "") {
                $tmpstring = serialize($tmpArray); 
                $tmpstring = base64_encode($tmpstring);
                $time = mktime()+ $config[cookieTTL]; 
                $date = gmdate("l, d-M-Y H:i:s", ($time)); 
                setCookie($cookiename, $tmpstring, "", $config[cookie_path],
$config[CookieURL]); // now we clean the static array after we send the
                $tmpArray = "";

Edit bug report at:

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