ID: 13172
User updated by: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Status: Bogus
Bug Type: GD related
Operating System: RedHat 7.1 linux-2.4.9ac7
PHP Version: 4.0CVS-2001-09-06
New Comment:

No, this is not the problem. The defines are messed up and I know this precisely, 
because the compiler gives me a

gd.c: In function `php_imagettftext_common':
gd.c:2751: warning: implicit declaration of function `gdImageStringFT'
gd.c:2751: warning: assignment makes pointer from integer without a cast

when the patch is not applied. Changing the paths for the configure does not change 
this. As you can see by the output of the configure, alls relevant libraries are found 
by the script. The HAVE_* defines are set correctly, I had a look at the php_config.h. 
I don't have the StringFTEx in my libgd, I checked it.

Previous Comments:

[2001-09-06 11:15:11] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

By using the correct paths with the configure options
would most likely give you working PHP..

(hint: leave the /lib part out of the paths)

Ask further support questions on the mailing lists:

(read archives first)



[2001-09-06 06:48:07] [EMAIL PROTECTED]


errortext on apachectl start:
Syntax error on line 236 of /usr/local/apache/conf/httpd.conf:
Cannot load /usr/local/apache/libexec/ into server: 
/usr/local/apache/libexec/ undefined symbol: gdImageStringFT

gd-1.8.3-7 and devel
freetype-2.0.1-4 and devel
configure says:
checking whether to include GD support... yes
checking whether to enable truetype string function in gd... no
checking for the location of libjpeg... yes
checking for jpeg_read_header in -ljpeg... yes
checking for the location of libpng... yes
checking for png_info_init in -lpng... yes
checking for the location of libXpm... yes
checking for XpmFreeXpmImage in -lXpm... yes
checking for freetype(2)... yes
checking whether to include include FreeType 1.x support... no
checking whether to include T1lib support... no
checking for gdImageString16 in -lgd... yes
checking for gdImagePaletteCopy in -lgd... yes
checking for gdImageCreateFromPng in -lgd... yes
checking for gdImageCreateFromGif in -lgd... no
checking for gdImageGif in -lgd... no
checking for gdImageWBMP in -lgd... yes
checking for gdImageCreateFromJpeg in -lgd... yes
checking for gdImageCreateFromXpm in -lgd... yes
checking for gdImageCreateFromGd2 in -lgd... yes
checking for gdImageCreateTrueColor in -lgd... no
checking for gdImageSetTile in -lgd... yes
checking for gdImageSetBrush in -lgd... yes
checking for gdImageStringFTEx in -lgd... no
checking for gdImageColorClosestHWB in -lgd... yes
checking for gdImageColorResolve in -lgd... yes
checking for gdImageGifCtx in -lgd... no



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