ID: 12606
Updated by: sander
Old Status: Feedback
Status: Closed
Bug Type: Scripting Engine problem
Operating System: Redhat Linux 6.2 / 2.2.14-5.0smp
PHP Version: 4.0.6
New Comment:

No feedback. Closing.

Previous Comments:

[2001-08-31 10:55:08] [EMAIL PROTECTED]



[2001-08-31 10:28:18] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Can you provide us a sample script?


[2001-08-06 16:23:41] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Throughout entire site require_once is used.  It began showing "Cannot redeclare foo() 
in /foo/bar.php on line 24" randomly.  Reloading the page gave about a 50% chance of 
this error happening again.  I removed the include file it was complaining about and 
it gave me the same error message about the first function in next file.


Edit this bug report at

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