On October 2, 2001 02:40 am, Andi Gutmans wrote:
> It might be the fact that I just woke up but why can't constants have
> the same name as function names or class names?

        err... ummm... good point. I can't think of any situations where they 
        could collide.  Oh well, I still had fun writing the patch. :)

> Secondly, I wouldn't put in the check for the reserved words. People
> have managed without it up to today and any check would slow it down
> a bit (*and* it would be another hard coded place to update reserved
> words when added).

        ~shrug~ It would be nice - but that's about it. 

> BTW, quicker ways of doing this check is having a
> sorted list and doing a binary search or putting them in a hash table
> and searching for them. But I wouldn't do any of these.

        Thanks :)


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