[Alexander Wagner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>]
> Stig Sæther Bakken wrote:
> > > 1.Add a mime/type application/x-httpd-php-xhtml to mark xhtml
> > >   mode.
> > > 2.disable short-tags and asp-tags in xhtml mode.
> > > 3.add <php> ... </php> instead <? ... ?>
> > >   and <php-v eval="...."/> instead <?= .... ?>
> > > 4.ignore '<![CDATA[' and  ']]>' in script block.
> >
> > Since XHTML is XML, <?php ... ?> is the proper way of embedding PHP
> > in XHTML files.
> +1
> But this resolves only points 3 and 4. What about the first two?
> IIRC there was nothing done about PHP producing parse errors on <?xml 
> and other PIs with short-tags enabled?
> XHTML is spreading and newbies might soon run into problems with 
> short-tags, since these are activated on most ISPs I know of.
> Deactivating them via .htaccess is a little too difficult for most 
> newbies.

Will newbies really use XHTML?  Anyway, people have been embedding PHP
in WML and other XML formats without visible problems for a while now.

IF we are to add another Apache type mapping for this, it should be
"application/x-httpd-php-xml".  IMHO it adds complexity to PHP without
really solving any problems that could not be "configured around".

> How about an instruction like good old "<?php_track_vars?>", which, 
> when placed at the top of the script, would deactivate short-tags? Or 
> is this possible via ini_set()?

This approach has been abandoned AFAIR.

 - Stig

  Stig Sæther Bakken <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  Fast Search & Transfer ASA, Trondheim, Norway

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