Andre nęss wrote:

> I'm currently in the middle of a discussion with some fellow PHP
> developers regarding the speed of what we call in/out compared to
> echo. With in/out we mean stuff like this:
> // php code
> ?>
> <html>some html</html>
> <?php
> // more php
> The manual states that PHP treats ?><?php as an echo statement, and I
> don't think there can be any speed difference between the two, however one
> of my fellow developers thinks there is a difference, and created a test
> which showed a 60% speed difference (using a for loop that ran 10000
> times). The test was badly executed IMO, so I ran my own which showed
> virtually no difference, but rather than getting into a flame-war I
> thought I'd just ask here for a quick answer. Is there a difference, and
> if so, is it significant?

Just try following 2 scripts

=== script1 ===
for($i=0; $i < 50000; $i++) {
   echo 'abcderfghjklmn
=== end ===

=== script2 ===
for($i=0; $i < 50000; $i++) {
=== end ===

There is not much difference, but script1 is just a little faster 
on my system.

Yasuo Ohgaki

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