Jani Taskinen wrote:

> First of all, try with plain PHP script, without ANY html.
> There have been few bug reports about this kind of stuff
> and all were caused by bogus HTML.
> --Jani

I would say almost all of them :)
(I'm not sure what you mean "bogus HTML")
I suggest Ivo to try to find out problems in your script at

However, I had/have similar problems as he describes. One
has been fixed. It was caused by insufficient type check in
foreach(). Others are *still* active...

I verified the behaviour with gdb and putting a little code
in zend_execute.c. It's hard enough to point out where
did it go wrong. (Both C source & PHP script)

Anyway, PHP/Zend tends to execute some portion of script or
whole script multiple times when memory is broken. I mentioned
this in this list before... When memory, such as op_array, is
messed up, this can happen...

If anyone cares, you can find problem descriptions and backtrace
in mail list archive. (the backtrace won't help debugging the
problem, though)

Yasuo Ohgaki

> On Mon, 29 Oct 2001, Ivo van Heel wrote:
>>I am SURE that this function is called only once. Further more, one of the DB
>>fields is 100, where it should be 8, which the first database message has. This
>>value is used in only ONE script, which should not be included and DOES NOT get
>>included when submitting that form. That same script has numerous echo's, which
>>do NOT put anything on the screen, but changes in that script (such as
>>commenting out the call to the DB class that will insert the second message)
>>WILL "fix" it, that is, only one message will appear in the DB.

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