Environment: Current CVS on Win32.

    echo 'GLOBALS[a]: '           . ++$GLOBALS['a']           . '<br>';
    echo '_SESSION[b]: '          . ++$_SESSION['b']          . '<br>';
    echo 'HTTP_SESSION_VARS[c]: ' . ++$HTTP_SESSION_VARS['c'] . '<br>';

  register_globals = On  -> Only ++$GLOBALS['a'] is effective
  register_globals = Off -> ++$GLOBALS['a'] is not effective, the other
                            two work (ie. the numbers increase on sub-
                            sequent requests)

  At the conference Rasmus told me that the $HTTP_SESSION_VARS array
  should work in _both_ situations. Is this broken, or intended? I'm
  confused right now - which is a no so uncommon situation nowadays :-)


  Sebastian Bergmann
  http://sebastian-bergmann.de/                 http://phpOpenTracker.de/

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