On Tue, 20 Nov 2001, Pierre-Alain Joye wrote:

> > When assigning the value -2147483648 to a variable, the variable becomes a double, 
>even though the value is within the range of integers. In fact, assigning -2147483647 
>- 1 works, as does using intval("-2147483648").
> >
> > The following script demonstrates, and can be accessed at 
> >
> > <?php
> > $int_max = 2147483647;
> > $int_min = -2147483648;
> > $int_min_alt = -2147483647 - 1;
> 2^31 = 2147483647
> If I m not wrong, php code integer on 32bits, 1 bit for the sign, interval will be 
>-2147483647 (2^31).
> As the docs say, double will be used for larger integer values.

You're not correct, the smallest number that should fit in into a signed
integer is -2147483648. -(2^31) The highest number is 2147483647. (2^31) - 1


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