ID: 1029
Updated by: derick
Old Status: Open
Status: Assigned
Bug Type: Feature/Change Request
Operating System: Linux
PHP Version: 4.0
Old Assigned To: 
Assigned To: derick

Previous Comments:

[2001-02-10 12:55:06] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

really reassigned to 4.0 this time.


[1999-11-12 11:31:07] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Moving to feature req.


[1999-01-05 06:29:54] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

System: Linux, Apache with PHP-module
Problem: printf (& sprintf) dosn't handle exponential format for floats correctly

Comment: This isn't actually a bug since it isn't documented to work in the manual.
                I nedded exponential format in my application and since the function
                "formatted_print.c" already had some support for exp. format (but
                not working correctly) the simplest solution was to fix it in the php 
source code.
                Below is my patch to  "formatted_print.c" if you would like to include 
                in a future rease of PHP.
                Thanks for a great tool for building web interfaces to databases !


***       Mon Jan  4 21:06:38 1999
--- formatted_print.c   Mon Jan  4 21:13:09 1999
*** 257,263 ****
        } else if (precision > MAX_FLOAT_PRECISION) {
                precision = MAX_FLOAT_PRECISION;
!       cvt = _php3_cvt(number, precision, &decpt, &sign, (fmt == 'e'));
        if (sign) {
                numbuf[i++] = '-';
--- 257,266 ----
        } else if (precision > MAX_FLOAT_PRECISION) {
                precision = MAX_FLOAT_PRECISION;
!       if (fmt == 'e')
!               cvt = _php3_cvt(number, precision+1, &decpt, &sign, 1);
!       else
!               cvt = _php3_cvt(number, precision, &decpt, &sign, 0);
        if (sign) {
                numbuf[i++] = '-';
*** 288,294 ****
        while (cvt[j]) {
                numbuf[i++] = cvt[j++];
        numbuf[i] = '\0';
        if (precision > 0) {
--- 291,311 ----
        while (cvt[j]) {
                numbuf[i++] = cvt[j++];
!       if (fmt == 'e') {
!               int exponent = decpt-1;
!               numbuf[i++] = 'e';
!               if (exponent < 0)
!                       numbuf[i++] = '-';
!               else
!                       numbuf[i++] = '+';
!               exponent = abs(exponent);
!               if (exponent > 99)      {
!                       numbuf[i++] = '0' + exponent / 100;
!                       exponent = exponent % 100;
!               }
!               numbuf[i++] = '0' + exponent / 10;
!               numbuf[i++] = '0' + exponent % 10;
!       }
        numbuf[i] = '\0';
        if (precision > 0) {


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