ID: 9025
Updated by: venaas
Old Status: Open
Status: Closed
Bug Type: Feature/Change Request
Operating System: any
PHP Version: 4.0.4pl1
New Comment:

The problem is not in PHP, PHP uses the standard LDAP
compare operation and you have not given access to that.
If you want access like specified below, the only way I
see, is that you bind to the users entry on behalf of
the user. The LDAP server will then be able to validate
the password. Your PHP application can then choose to not
give access unless it has made a successful bind on behalf
of the user.

If you replace none with compare in your rule, everyone
(including your PHP application) will be able to do compare
on passwords, but not read them. If your PHP application
authenticates itself first, you can give PHP access to
compare, and still have none for the rest.

Previous Comments:

[2001-01-31 06:18:05] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

It would be immensly valuable if I could use my ldap user
database to authenticate my php website users.  The current
ldap compare does not work with openldap and the following

access to attr=userPassword
    by self write
    by * none

I would love love love it if there were a fuction that would
take my plain text password (as a variable) and then
authenticate agains the above settings in ldap.

Thanks for all the time so far, PHP is the best!


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