im having a tough time getting PHP to execute a method of a function defined
in an extension. the extension compiles fine, shows up in phpinfo(), and
calling get_declared_classes() returns the class names as expected.

in addition, calling get_class_methods("class_name") lists the method im
interested in calling. the error i get is

Fatal error: Call to undefined function:  bar() in
C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\php\fubar.php on line 26

the function call is static, e.g   $barbara = foo::bar($baz)

i was able to track the message to zend_execute.c in the switch tag to

im stumped as to why get_class_methods can find the function but zend can't.

do i get to wear the dunce cap, or should i file a bug report ?

php-4.07 dev CGI , PWS 4.0, WinMe

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