Alexander Merz wrote:
> > 1.) C:   ext/phpdoc       => simple XML (doc comments unparsed)
> > 2.) PHP: standard_doctool => generates standard_intermediate XML
> What would be the different between this two types of XML? And how compatible
> will the xml-output to the existing xml-output?

Certain features should not be implemented in C as this complicates the
extension and makes it very hard to write customized documentation

 - information inveritance
   PHPDoc: a derived class inherits the documentation of a parent class

 - doc comment parsing
   any userside documentation tool: parse it on your own and you'll be
able to implement customized tags

 - ...

Example (just to show off):


  First line - short description used for overviews
  Second, third and so on for detailed explanations

  @abstract  There's no abstract in PHP, PHPDoc supports the concept.
             Does every other doc tool want to do so as well
  @private   there's no private in PHP
  @netuse    hints that must not be included in the public docs
             for the customer

your doc tool:

<function actract="true" private="true">

  <sdesc>First line - ...</sdesc>
  Second, third and so on for detailed explanations

  Should my doctool support, should it use an 
  attribute or a tag?

  I'm leaving this company, my new company 
  might preferr &lt;secret_doc&gt; . 



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