On November 30, 2001 08:33 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> From:             [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Operating system:
> PHP version:      4.0.6
> PHP Bug Type:     HTTP related
> Bug description:  PUT absent $PHP_PUT_FILENAME   $PHP_UPLOADED_FILE_NAME
> Document:
>       features.file-upload.put-method.html
>       The filename of this temporary file is in the
>       $PHP_PUT_FILENAME variable
>       copy(
>               $PHP_UPLOADED_FILE_NAME,
>       );
> Neither works. What does?

I have spent some time digging around looking for the solution to this 
problem and need a bit of help.

I can find the code that handles PUT method uploads in PHP 3. However, I 
don't find any handler code in PHP 4 - nor do I see any variables that relate 
to PUT file uploads when I capture the content of $GLOBALS from the PUT 
handler script.

Anyone have any clue here - it looks like PUT support never got implemented 
for PHP 4 (or it was removed - however, I did not see a NEWS or CVS log entry 
that mentioned it...)

Zak Greant

PHP Quality Assurance Team

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