From:             [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Operating system: Windows 2000
PHP version:      4.1.0
PHP Bug Type:     COM related
Bug description:  can't set CP_UTF8 codepage

A call to create a COM object can pass the codepage as the third parameter
and CP_UTF8 is a valid option.  If you use this, however, the object create

The problem is in the php_char_to_OLECHAR and php_OLECHAR_to_char functions
in com\conversion.c.  MSDN states that a call to WideCharToMultiByte with a
codepage of CP_UTF8 must have a second parameter is 0, but these functions
don't account for that.

How I fixed it (there may be a better way, but it works for me):

lines 764 and 760: change "MB_PRECOMPOSED | MB_ERR_INVALID_CHARS" to

lines 784 and 790: change "WC_COMPOSITECHECK" to "codepage == CP_UTF8 ? 0 :

This fix is not well debugged, but it got me moving forward again.
Edit bug report at:

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