From:             [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Operating system: Linux (Mandrake 8.1)
PHP version:      4.0.6
PHP Bug Type:     Variables related
Bug description:  extract() can overwrite $GLOBALS within a function context

//I did this:
function test()
// The script will overwrite the $GLOBALS variable
// I did not want it to overwrite the $GLOBALS variable

// Then in the global scope, I did this:$a=array("GLOBALS"=>"nothing");
//The script did not overwrite the $GLOBALS variable.
// It did what I wanted it to do.

By allowing the extract function to overwrite global variables within a
function can lead to serious security holes.  Particularily if URL
parameters are passed into a function that extracts them.  (And then if my
function still expects GLOBALS to be legit, it could be passed false

I suggest making extract unable to overwrite any global variables within a
function.  ($GLOBALS, and any variables declared global $x, etc..) As a
second measure it might be good to make extract more conservative in
general by defaulting to EXTR_SKIP instead of EXTR_OVERWRITE

I can, of course, fix my own code for the time being to avoid this problem
by using extract($params,EXTR_SKIP); However I think fixing the problem for
PHP as a whole would help others as well.

Thank you.  Keep up the excellent work!

Edit bug report at:

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