To me, this bug report is most likely a user error.
(Bug in user session handler)

Bogus may be the best status for now.
I like Status = No Feedback, too ;)
But it's not there.

Yasuo Ohgaki


> ID: 12915
> Updated by: sander
> Reported By: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Old Status: Feedback
> Status: Closed
> Bug Type: Session related
> Operating System: Linux 2.4.9 (Debian woody)
> PHP Version: 4.0.6
> New Comment:
> No feedback. Closing.
> Previous Comments:
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> [2001-11-18 01:27:22] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Does this problem persist with the current release candidate for PHP 4.1.0? It can 
>be found at
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> [2001-08-22 21:04:44] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sessions work correctly if session.save_handler is set to 
> 'files', but if I set it to 'user' and I set up a new save 
> handler with session_set_save_handler(), then afterwards I 
> have to call session_write_close() at the end of every 
> script, otherwise the session data doesn't get written out 
> (to a database in my case)
> I tested it with PHP 4.0.6, and apache 1.3.20.
> PHP has to following extensions loaded: gd, mysql, ldap.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Edit this bug report at

Yasuo Ohgaki

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