ID: 14541
Updated by: zak
Status: Open
Old Bug Type: Unknown/Other Function
Bug Type: Strings related
Operating System: Any
PHP Version: 4.1.0
New Comment:

While we could try to force developers to write tests 
before they commit code (heck, MySQL does it), but we 
might not have much luck. :)

I think that we should look to the QA team (and interested 
individuals such as yourself) to start writing tests.

I am working on tests for the array functions right now 
(coincidentally, before I commit a whack of changes to the 
array functions. :)

In Frankfurt, Rasmus suggested that we develop a web-based 
interface for developing tests as a way to lower the 
barrier for writing tests. We could look at doing this.

Previous Comments:

[2001-12-16 02:15:52] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

It seems that strtok function is broken again.

The following script returns:


Should output as always (at least until PHP 4.0.6 it does):

string(0) ""
string(9) "something"

But it outputs:

string(9) "something"

It seems that jmoore broken in when he tried to fix this bug:

I think that no developer should be allowed to fix bugs before:

1) submit a test case to leave in the tests directory
2) Verify that his fixes do not make his and others tests fail.

Until this procedure becomes mandatory, we'll keep seeing a history of illness in 
functions like strtok that seems to never end.

This is what regressive tests are for. Zak, please help here! :-)


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