ID: 14608
User updated by: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Status: Bogus
Bug Type: Apache related
Operating System: linux
PHP Version: 4.1.0
New Comment:

I tried this by pointing --with-apxs=path and by putting the apxs script in my path 
and it died both ways. besides had it not been in my path the script would not have 
been able to make up the usage output from it unless someone coded that into the 
configure script as a joke.

Previous Comments:

[2001-12-19 15:31:18] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Does it crash or just die?
Anyway, you should point PHP to the apxs file, unless it's in your path. Use i.e. 
If it really crashes, reopen this report. 


[2001-12-19 14:52:44] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

./configure --with-mysql=/path/ --with-apxs

it crashes and gives the usage of apxs as if bad arguments are being sent by the 

apache is v1.3.12 and the only modules loaded by checking httpd -l are http_core.c and 


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