Are you calling request_shutdown?
Also, are you sure it's actually leaking?  Does it leak 200-400KB on each 
and every request, or does this rate 'slow down' at some point?


At 18:20 21/12/2001, Alex Leigh wrote:
>All -
>I have written a SAPI module for a new webserver "continuity". The code is
>basically the SAPI code for NSAPI, modified to work with continuity's API.
>Continuity is threaded, based on the pthread libraries.
>My problem is that each requests that is handled by PHP leaks about
>200-400KB. I've gone over the code carefully, and I don't see that I am
>doing (or more importantly, not doing) anything differently than any of the
>other SAPI modules.
>I have tried php4-4.1.0, as well as the 12/17 cvs snapshot, on both Linux
>and Solaris. I did not configure php with any options other than that to
>include my sapi module "--with-capi".
>If someone could give me a reference to SAPI documentation (none of which I
>could find), or give me a lead on what my problem might be, I'd appreciate
>My SAPI code can be had at
>Alex Leigh - - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>The difference between theory and reality is that
>in theory there is no difference.
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