Please pardon the intrusion, if this is too far off-topic for the list I
apologize now and welcome pointers to documentation, links, etc..

My build environment is: Windows 2000 Professional, MSVC++ 6.0 SP5.

I have been reading at in the manual on how to build extensions to
PHP. I have the source code to both 4.0.6 and 4.1.0. The documentation clearly
dictates the structure and procedures that need to be followed to create an
extension. However, the documentation clearly has *nix slant.

As a reference, I am attempting to build the example extension defined in
listing 9.3 at:

Using the 4.0.6 source tree I get preprocessor errors for undefined symbols
(STANDARD_MODULE_HEADERS is one). When trying to build under the 4.1.0 tree
these errors go away, but I get linker errors because of missing libs. Yes, I
have all the neccessary include and lib directories set. I have checked both
trees and the libs in question do not exist.

I am attempting to build the extension in a directory created under the ./ext
directory in both trees with a project workspace modelled after those in other
directories off that part of the tree.

Anyone care to punt me in the right direction?


Craig Morrison
  MTS Professional @
  A Win32 Email server that works for _you_.

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