
I am back in the office and have confirmed that with PHP 4.0.6,
the 99% cpu  bug only occurs with "mm". With the "files" session
handler it doesn't happen. This was on the SMP server with the
given config below...

Bye, John

John Lim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Hello,
> I have also been experiencing the same problem with PHP 4.0.6.
> A httpd process will start taking over 99% of the CPU on my
> SMP processor on RH 7.2, Apache 1.3.20 (standard RH RPM)
> when I run some complex scripts with apachebench:
>    ab -n1000 -c20 http://url/to/php/script/gone/crazy.php
> These scripts are accessing Oracle (oci8). I thought it might
> be some bottleneck in the configuration so I checked my Oracle
> sessions and they are ok (I am using non-persistent connections).
> Memory usage is stable at about 11 Mb max for the greedy httpd
> process.
> The only other thing that i can think of that might be a
> bottleneck is the "mm" session handler...
> I remember having problems previously with the "file" session
> handler because my benchmarks caused the /tmp directory to
> and /tmp ran out of hard disk space (!) and am wondering whether this
> could happen with "mm". Incidentally the SMP monster has 1 Gig of
> RAM, and I have always have more than 400Mb free memory even
> with my most stringent benchmarks that are causing problems.
> Are there any constants in shared memory or "mm" source code
> that I can tweak?
> Another point is that some simpler PHP scripts accessing Oracle
> and sessions do not cause these problems. I can bang away with
>  ab -n4000 -c40 http://url/to/simpler/script.php
> with no problems.
> I will test with 4.1.0 next week when I get back to the office.
> -- John Lim
> > From:             [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Operating system: RH 6.2 SMP
> > PHP version:      4.0.6
> > PHP Bug Type:     Apache related
> > Bug description:  Apache processes consume all CPU
> >
> > I've been experiencing the exact same problem that is described in bug
> > #14290 and #8446 for quite some time now but did not know which Apache
> > module was causing it.  Up until now, I've had a cron job that simply
> kills
> > off (with a -9) any httpd processes that are using 99% or more cpu time.
> >
> > Today I've been trying to track down what exactly is causing the
> > I've eliminated all extra Apache modules and did not experience the
> > problem.  When I added PHP back in, the problem started immediately.
> > Within one minute of starting Apache back up, the high-CPU processes
> > started appearing again.
> >
> > The Apache "server-status" didn't indicate that ANY php script had been
> > hit.  The processes just start going out of control after some time.  In
> > fact, there isn't even a single *.php* file on the server.  I really
> > think this is happening because of a PHP script being run.
> >
> > I'm currently testing this out on a Red Hat 6.2 Linux (SMP) box with
> > CPUs.  From the sound of things in the other bug reports (#14290 and
> > #8446), the problem only seems to be happening on SMP servers.  I did
> > compile with any extra PHP modules except for the core PHP 4.0.6.
> >
> > I haven't really done a lot with PHP, so I'm not sure how to help debug
> > this problem.  But I do want a stable Apache environment with PHP
> > for my hosting customers.  If there is anything I can do to help debug
> > things, please let me know.
> >
> > I've read the page on using gdb, but I'm think this is a different kind
> > situation.  Apache isn't crashing, but certain processes are going
> > "out-of-control".  Is there a way to get a backtrace of a particular
> > process while it is still running?
> >
> > Until this problem can be resolved, I'm going to have to remove PHP from
> my
> > servers.  I really don't want to have to do this, but the instabilities

> are
> > becoming too much to handle and very hard to explain to our customers.
> >
> > Please let me know what I can do to help debug and solve this problem.
> >
> > Thanks!
> > Tauren
> >
> >
> > --
> > Edit bug report at: http://bugs.php.net/?id=14333&edit=1
> >

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