ID: 14922
Updated by: thies
Status: Closed
Bug Type: OCI8 related
Operating System: Solaris
PHP Version: 4.1.0
New Comment:

i'm pretty sure that the "If the value_sz parameter is zero, Oracle
treats the bind variable as a null" is a 
new feature > 8.0. the "old" way is to set the indicator to -1 in the
bind-in callback, which is what the 
oci8.c does.

i also believe that it makes way more sense to make the decision in the
ociexecute (by looking at the actual 
php-variable) and not during bind for various reasons (think of mass
inserts using bound variables).

BTW: you are welcome to contribute the documentation for NULL binds.

Previous Comments:

[2002-01-08 14:27:50] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Thies sent this to me:

    to pass a null thru a bound variable simply assign the
    special value NULL to the bound php-variable. the size
    supplied to ocibindbyname is simple the max-length of the
    inbound variable.

    $name = NULL;

    -> ":NAME" will have the value null in the query 

    please verify and close the report.

It seems incorrect to me to tweak a value that the underlying API
expects to be able to handle.

Also, this handling of NULL should be documented in the OCIBindByName


[2002-01-07 18:37:16] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

It seems that the when oci8.c forces value_sz to 1 if it's 0 is
bypassing a perfectly valid use of a length of 0: To signify a null.  



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