ID: 11612
Old Reported By: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Status: Feedback
Bug Type: Documentation problem
Operating System: Win2k Server
PHP Version: 4.0.5
New Comment:

Sorry, problem is still alive:
Now I use the following:

; Windows: "\path1;\path2"
include_path = ".;c:\apache\htdocs\eucarkunden"
; The root of the PHP pages, used only if nonempty.
doc_root = c:\apache\htdocs

Problem is the same 'Warning: Failed opening '/apache/htdocs/index.php'
for inclusion (include_path='.;c:\apache\htdocs\eucarkunden') in
Unknown on line 0'

Previous Comments:

[2002-01-13 15:23:02] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The warning should probably go into:

The root of this problem, is not the include_path, but the DocumentRoot
Apache directive - or any document root setting on a windows

While any path syntax works for Apache, only windows native works for
php. This goes for ISAPI as well, under other webservers, like Sambar.
Don't have IIS, so I haven't tested it there. Further more "\" is not
always the root of the current disk. I suppose it is, but current
probably is current for c:\winnt\system32\php4_ts.dll instead of the
webserver executable. Haven't fully debugged that.

In any case, specifying document roots in the windows native path
syntax, prefixed with the drive letter, fixes all of the above.


[2002-01-13 15:02:35] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Make this to doc problem.

Current uses full path.
What should be fixed?


[2002-01-13 13:34:44] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Should be reclassified as documentation problem.

1) a full reference including the disk, i.e.: .;c:\include\path
2) For virtual hosts, the document root in Apache httpd.conf should
follow the same principles, i.e.:
DocumentRoot "c:\www\\html"


[2002-01-13 13:09:55] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Still have the same problem:

Some configuartion: Win2000 pro, apache 1.3.14 and PHP4.1.1

if the include_path is empty.. no problem
if I put anything in eg 'include_path = ".;\apache\htdocs\" error
message is like this: 'Warning: Failed opening
'/apache/htdocs/phpinfo.php' for inclusion (include_path='.') in
Unknown on line 0'

Everything works fine, if there´s nothing in the include_path.

Do you have a solution in the meantime?


[2001-12-18 16:21:08] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Did more testing, always works for me.


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