At 23:34 +0100 1/15/02, Tomas V.V.Cox wrote:
>Lukas Smith wrote:
>>  Actually the default is on and even though I do not like them myself I
>>  think this is what most people develop against. So I guess it might make
>>  things easier if you keep it on as well.
>I don't think it makes things easy. See what magic_quotes_gpc means:

I don't either.  If you're going to check or preprocess your information
before inserting it into MySQL (and dumping data received from users
straight into MySQL is, er, imprudent), you have to strip the slashes

>quote in the MySQL style all the variables that comes from POST, GET or
>COOKIES. So the default php installation blatanly assumes that: "All the
>vars you get from forms or cookies will be inserted in a MySQL database
>by a user who doesn't take care on quoting data before inserting (or it
>will result in duble quoting)", does this make any sense?
>Just for informing people about this: turn off magic_quotes_gpc if you
>use placeholders (prepare/execute) with PEAR DB!!
>Tell people that they should take care of quoting data by them selves
>and tell them that there is nice mysql_escape_string() func for that. At
>least will be kind if the build process could put this directive to Off
>if you use --without-mysql and also if more backends are specified.
>>  Anyways you can of course make your code aware of this feature and if
>>  its on or off (get_magic_quotes() ... iirc) .
>That is not always posible as many times you are unable to know if a var
>comes from "GPC" untouched or not. It's even worse, because people are
>not able to disable magic_quotes_gpc with ini_set() (for people who
>doesn't have access to php.ini or .htaccess).
>Just my wishes to see a change on this.
>Tomas V.V.Cox

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