ID: 14222
Updated by: yohgaki
Status: Open
Bug Type: Apache related
Operating System: Windows XP Pro
Old PHP Version: 4.0.6
PHP Version: 4.1.1
New Comment:

Please update PHP version :)

Previous Comments:

[2002-01-19 14:37:34] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I ALSO HAVE THIS PROBLEM !! I tried several combinations of apache (
1.3x, 2.0beta) and php (4.06, 4.11) and i get too this weird output.
and the output is irregular if i reload.
i have windows xp german too. this is defenitly a problem caused by
windows xp, scince my old configuration under winnt worked fine , but
after updating to xp some files fail. it looks like it depends on the
php file size, not on the code in the php file. example: - try with netscape, as iexplorer
not even loads the page.
hope this problem gets fixed soon, as i cannot go back to nt neither

greetz from germany!!
(wish i could use linux...)


[2002-01-11 08:30:52] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I've a similar probleme with Apache 3.2.22, PHP 4.1.0 and mysql. I
obtain a page correctly generated when i call it from localhost but it
seem that don't work on the net (Cannot display... or the source of
page is not correct some data from mysql database are mixed with the
source, and sometime there's a another HTTP-header in the middle of the

I don't understand why because, if i call the page by the internet
address from the server it's work at 100%. I try the same page from a
another computer on the LAN, and it's seem work at 60%, sometime i met
the same mistakes that there was via internet.

So if you can help me !

Thx !


[2001-11-29 14:19:35] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I set up my Computer new, this time with XP German (last time XP eng),
still have the problems, but not that hard than last time.
Just as info :)

btw when php 4.1.0 will be released now?


[2001-11-26 07:30:10] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

OK, its like i expected.
When you fill out a loop (any kind of one) with enough data it happens
(a overflow??)

//create an array with 100 items with different informations
$testarray[] = md5(uniqid(rand()));
//output from this array, 3 times for enougth data
?>              <tr>
                                <font face="Tahoma, Tahoma, Tahoma" size="1" 
                                <a href="#" 
                                <font face="Tahoma, Tahoma, Tahoma" size="1" 
                                <a href="#" 
                                <font face="Tahoma, Tahoma, Tahoma" size="1" 
                                <a href="#" 
<? };?>


[2001-11-26 07:14:15] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Its not reproduce able (thats why called weird)
specially the output is always diffrent and irregular...

i'll test it in the office (also with XP)


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