ID: 15290
User updated by: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Old Status: Feedback
Status: Open
Bug Type: *Web Server problem
Operating System: rh 7.2
PHP Version: 4.1.1
New Comment:

No, theres no index.html.

I just did some more checking, 

I unmounted the xp share and ftp'd the files to a hard dir on linux vm
then edited index.php via vi, the file matched the webrowser.
everything  is ok here.

I reswitched back to shared setup and restarted apache
edited the file on nt
change didn't show via http (after first load) nor does the file change
show via vi,cat or more. but if I closed the file on xp and reopened 
on xp the actual file is changed on xp.

So its like some  interaction between apache,php and the mounted share
that caused smbmount,smbfs,samba,etc to not update -its- version of the
file it has mounted on xp...with that apache directive...only index.php
file exibits this behavior when set that way.

I checked and the smbmount is still there and no crash of the mount.smb
program and smb log shows nothing.

Next I reswtiched back the index.php as first in httpd.conf
restarted the webserver, and still the change didn't show until i
resaved the file
then of course everything works normally after that.

Its a wierd setup I know. I dont have a box handy to test it with a
share outside of vmware...but I didn't notice it until upgrading php.
It's not a big deal, I doubt to many people run a mounted share on xp, 
I only do it during development so thats the only reason i noticed it.

Previous Comments:

[2002-01-30 02:55:58] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Just wanted to add that Samba might cache files, and thus updating it
has no effect.



[2002-01-30 02:30:34] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Just to get one easy thing out of the way, you don't have
an index.html file in the directory, do you?

Naturally, index.php must be first in the DirectoryIndex list
if you want it to be displayed in a directory which contains
both an index.html and an index.php


[2002-01-29 23:08:41] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

not a typical setup...i'm developing on a vmware virtual machine....but
everything else has been flawless so maybe this isn't related to that.
latest versions of all, apache, php, samba

When listing
DirectoryIndex index.html index.php 
in apache 

on a smb mounted share aka my scripts are physically on an xp shared
folder, I mount the share using smbmount the folder as a linux
directory which is setup as apaches directory. I've noticed if I list
index.php AFTER index.html that if i edit the index.php file on xp, the
changes will not be seen by the webserver. However it is only with a
file named index.php, all other filenames work fine. Wierd huh? however
if I list index.php first before index.html everything works

Additionally, umounting the share and remounting doesn't fix, only
listing index.php first in directoryindex

Not sure if this happens outside of a virtual machine or a non smb
share, but it was a $#$ tracking down. reinstalled samba & more. 

I had previously been using the 4.06 version and this didn't happen. 

Like I said not sure if is some wierd interaction with the virtual
machine or mounting the share but thought Id pass it on in case it
wasn't related, as its reproducable on my end...I also tried different
server directories i had setup and it occured on those also.


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