On Wed, Jan 30, 2002 at 12:48:59PM +0100, Hartmut Holzgraefe wrote : 
> (although i'd like to see some alternative to source bundeling,
>  maybe something like the BSD port collection mechanism
>  maybe we could use the current HTTP and FTP implementations
>  as a fallback together with the new CLI to fetch from the
>  net in a portable way? ... but this is a very different story...)

    IMHO this goes hand in hand with PEAR/PECL. As soon as the
    download mechanism works it would certainly mean that
    extensions to PHP containing other parties source code have
    to be automatically bundled and downloaded with the extension
    sources (if not, it wouldn't make much sense). If I'm not
    wrong we have no PEAR/PECL extension yet including 3rd party
    source code.

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