
"Stig S. Bakken" wrote:
> > > Also, someone may be able to reverse the PHP code to C and create an exe
> > > with it (like Perl) . And last, but maybe the future: Web Services with
> > > SOAP?
> >
> > It should be not be that hard. There are Java bytecode to C converters,
> > it should not be hard to make Zend bytecode to C conversion.
> Wishful thinking? :-)
> Unless I'm mistaken, Java doesn't have eval.  Any language with eval
> needs a runtime environment when executing, even if the rest of the code
> is converted to C.

I am not expert in Java (actually I don't program in Java - MetaL
generates it for me if I ever need it), but I suppose that what eval
does is what java.lang.Compiler class is for.

Manuel Lemos

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