ID:               15400
 Updated by:       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
-Status:           Open
+Status:           Feedback
 Bug Type:         MSSQL related
 Operating System: Windows 2000
 PHP Version:      4.1.1
 New Comment:

Are you calling mssql_connect() this way or did I misunderstand it?
mssql_connect("[localhost,123]", "[www]", "[secret]");
AFAIK, you should just call
mssql_connect("localhost:123", "www", "secret");

Is that your problem?

Anyway, it SHOULDN'T crash.

Previous Comments:

[2002-02-06 05:50:49] [EMAIL PROTECTED]


This morning I decided to try PHP for our company web site instead of
VBScript.  Imagine my delight to find PHP will handle SQL7 with the
minimum of fuss... all it would take was

$hostname = "[IPADDRESS],[PORT]"; 
$username = "[USER]"; 
$password = "[PWD]"; 
$dbName = "[DATABASENAME]"; 
MSSQL_CONNECT($hostname,$username,$password) or DIE("DATABASE FAILED TO
mssql_select_db ( $dbName );
$query = "SELECT * FROM [TABLE]";
mssql_query ($query);

Or even lazier
mssql_select_db ([DATABASENAME]);
mssql_query ("SELECT * FROM [TABLE]");

Brilliant 15 lines of VBScript is 3 lines..

Imagine, then, my chagrin, for when I added the mssql_query();
statement I get a window saying PHP.EXE - Application Error.. The
instruction at "0x00" referenced memory at "0x00", The memory could not
be "read"...

Is it me???

The setup I used was the windows installer but I put php_mssql.dll into
c:\PHP and told the php.ini file where it was.. I also stuck the
ntwdblib.dll into c:\windows\system32... Yes I know it should be
c:\winnt but I changed it at setup...



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