ID:               15389
 Updated by:       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Status:           Open
 Bug Type:         LDAP related
 Operating System: w2k advanced server
 PHP Version:      4.1.1
 New Comment:

Have you tried to connect to the LDAP server with something
else than PHP? Some other LDAP client, or even telnet to
the LDAP port? One possibility is that the LDAP server
spends some time trying to lookup the clients hostname in
order to check access or log the name.

Previous Comments:

[2002-02-06 18:17:40] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

$start = date("U");

$server = "x.x.x.x"; // ip address of nds-server

$ds = ldap_connect($server);

$end = date("U");
echo "<br>".($end-$start)." Sekunden<br>";


[2002-02-06 18:05:27] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

If you have a small script for me to test, that I can run as a
non-administrator user on the NDS. I might be able to check it.



[2002-02-06 17:51:05] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

i tried this on 3 different machines (1x nt4 ws; 1x w2k ws; 1x w2k

of course it can be that it is the novell server that causes the delay
but since this is a high performance machine (>1000 clients) i haven't
thought about that yet.

everything is connected via switched 100mbit (or better) full duplex.

do you have experiences with php ldap and nds?


[2002-02-06 07:36:32] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Are you sure this is a problem with PHP and not with your network?
Try connecting to the server with another client.



[2002-02-05 12:51:25] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

i tried the ldap functions with php 4.0.6 and now with 4.1.1.

the ldap queries are super fast, but the connect takes 4 to 5 seconds.

first i thought it was the queries but when i removed the queries the
script would still take the same time to execute. the queries would
only take about 1 second to compute.

i already use the ip address of the ldap server for the connect to
avoid dns lookups.

i understand that any connect procedure takes a while but for the user
to wait for 5 seconds is much too long.

is there a way to optimize the connect procedure?


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