On Fri, Mar 01, 2002 at 06:59:36PM +0900, Yasuo Ohgaki wrote : 
> Markus Fischer wrote:
> >    I'm forwarding this to php-dev@ (so people doing filtering
> >    don't miss it ;) and let's see what opinion others have about
> >    this.
> >
> >    - Markus
> Even if I bogusified(?) it,
> +1 for return FALSE and set error level to E_NOTICE :)

    My point was to remove the (not needed) php_error() calls
    completely and save the message(errorcode) in a variable so
    the user (developer) can decide himself if he wants to do
    something with the message or not.

    php_error() call's are, verbosely spoken, pain in the ass to
    catch ($php_errmsg global var?? no thanks). It would overal
    make more sense for this module to don't do any error output
    itself but provide a error string fetch function or so.

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