In addition to Markus Fischer: Does the CLI version has the ability
to execute code without <? and ?>.

Assuming "-s --" as solution. -s to skip <? and -- instead of -p from
Markus Fisher (other cmd utils like awk use -- too). This would allow:

    php -s -- 'echo "hello world";'

 From my point of view both are necessary to make php a widely
accepted shell script language. Also i would appreciate --help to
show up with version and supported switches.


to make

At 09:39 05.03.2002, Markus Fischer wrote:
>     Is there a way to execute code from the command line AND process
>     stdin/stdout without using an external file with php code?
>     Currently the only way of feeding code to the script (to my
>     knowledge) is:
>         echo '<? // code ....?>' | php >output
>     or
>         <input stream> | php -f code.php >output
>     But you can't do something like
>         <input stream > | php -p '<? execute php code ?>' >output
>     Maybe I missed the last option?
>         - Markus
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