I think I see bug number 1...

The system call for select() you to perform an indefinite blocking call if 
you pass NULL as tv, but PHP's socket_select() doesn't seem to have that 
feature. (It did in previous versions, from sometime in 4.0.7dev and up. I 
caught that bug originally, actually.)

The old fix is still a valid one -- if the user doesn't pass arguments sec 
and usec, pass NULL as the tv argument to the system select() call. I've 
implemented it in last night's snapshot and it seems to work fine. 
(Although I'm having a bitch re-writing our sockets stuff -- I have no idea 
how to use the arrays yet versus the file descriptors, but I'll report as I 


Jason Greene wrote:

> For all those who don't follow CVS. The sockets extension modifications
> I listed out a few weeks ago are complete, and will be included in the
> 4.2.0 release.
> The extension will still be marked as experimental; however, if 4.2.0
> goes well, and there are few bugs, perhaps it can be marked as stable by
> 4.3.0.
> I ask all those that use the sockets extension try and get any bug
> reports to me before RC1 closes (That way the fixes will make 4.2.0).
> Also, between 4.2.0 and 4.3.0 would be a good time frame to suggest
> behavior changes because once the extension is marked stable, these will
> be a lot tougher to put through.
> Thanks,
> -Jason

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